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promotion Holiday Promotion For ALL (OLD - Topic Closed - Promotion time has past away)


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Hello Everyone,

To all community members Happy Holidays in advance. 

Cracking Station's Holiday Promotion for VIPS, Members, Crackers, Config Makers, Staff Members  will be available until 15th of January, 2019. 

Under this Promotion, VIPS are allowed additional ONE more request up to the point of 15th of January 2019.

For Regular Members, you are also allowed to post one request even if you do not have any active thread posted. Requirement for that is that you have registered before 15th of December, 2018. Please do follow the other requirements when posting your request.

For Crackers, Config Makers and Cracking Station Staff members, we will provide you with access to VPS or either equivalent amount of money based on your performance starting from the time of posting this thread. If you have any other suggestion as a prize award then please do update me on this one.

Please do not hesitate  to contact me with any question, query, or have feedback on the promotion for the Holidays.

Thank you,

CrackingStation.com Team

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The Promotion is coming to end. Thus from 15th of January, 2019 regular rules will be effective for all the sections, especially in the respective request sections. I want to thank all community members, especially the team of crackingstation.com who went beyond in the holiday season to promote and provide various account in a lot of quantity in all respective sections. And as promised all of the staff members or top contributors who performed exceptionally well in the holidays will receive an award :).

Thank you All.


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