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rules Rules for Requesting

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  • In order to request you must have 10 active posts (Replies don't count). (Consider purchasing VIP if you cannot make 10 active posts or purchasing through market section)
  • You are allowed maximum of 2 requests any time. More than that, your oldest or even the thread under which you have more than 2 requests are made will be moved.
  • The requests are to be only of Accounts (no configs and lists).
  • Requested website must not have Google Recaptcha, auto generated system website or Geo Ip tracking in which case the thread will be moved.
  •  No need to bump or make new threads related to your request. Wish to cancel do update the original thread created by typing cancel in the original thread before it is been completed.
  • You are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED to make your request in someone else request thread. Don't be stupid, create your own request thread and avoid a warning.
  • Requests here will remain active for a maximum of 25 days and thereafter they will be moved. It is your responsibility as the request-maker to post a new thread if you still need the account.
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