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announcement Corona Virus - Countries emergency plans


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Hello Members, as recently due corona virus many countries applied emergency plan with forcing people staying at home. to stop the virus spreading.

Good action and it will come back favorably next days for all the world.

and we as crackingstation team we are aware of this and we want to help you staying at home :classic_laugh:

we will provide you with some services that can help. such as accounts :  entertainment, music, education, movies, etc.. 

if you have something in mind feel free to ask.

Stay safe 😄

Edited by badrox
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That was pretty cool of you guys ,  as it is pretty bad over here  where I live  .  Its nice to see you guys care with that being said i would really enjoy any good Cam site you guys can spare . streammate .com  is fine . thank you and keep up the great work

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tanks for the good site and I appreciate your effort making people staying at home in this cirtical situation, giving us a way to  entertain ourselves is such a great thing. I would very much appreciate a login for www.clubseventeen.com. Thanks so much guys and keep up the good work.

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Nice work @badrox. That is a great way to keep alot of people entertained.

let me also think on what i can contribute on this and how lols ?

I do not know how many people apart from the team knows cracking on the forum, if they do this is the time to show case your talent and go to the next level.


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well bro, i see beside porn of course 😄, mostly requesting netflix account

and its a great time killer and entertaining platform

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